Devjyoti Chakraborty*, Snehangshu Bhattacharya*, Ayush Thakur*, Aritra Roy Gosthipaty*, Chira Datta; “ Feature Extraction and Classification of Phonocardiograms using Convolutional Neural Networks” The paper is accepted at ICCE 2020 for the Deep Learning track. *Equal Contribution Souradip Chakraborty*, Aritra Roy Gosthipaty*, Sayak Paul*; “G-SimCLR : Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning with Guided Projection via Pseudo Labelling.” ArXiv:2009.12007 [Cs, Stat], Sept. 2020., The code is available in this repository. The paper is accepted at ICDM 2020 for the Deep Learning for Knowledge Transfer (DLTK) workshop. *Equal Contribution